League Cadets
program for ages 10-13
NLCC, the Junior program of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, was developed for younger cadets, age 10-13 old who have not entered the 8th grade. The League Cadet program is a fantastic opportunity for younger kids to make friends, try something new, and prepare themselves to eventually enter NSCC.
The NLCC training program is modeled after the Sea Cadet program, but is tailored to be age-appropriate. The training program is less arduous, but still includes a wide variety of training opportunities designed to give League Cadets exposure to Navy life.
Cadets can attend a one-week, away-from-home Navy League Orientation class. Cadets who complete orientation can participate in advanced training sessions such as classes in aviation, sailing, leadership, medical and adventure training. League Cadets also learn about small boats and small boat safety using the U.S. Coast Guard’s safe boating curriculum.
Rank System for NLCC
The rank system for cadets proceeds as follows:
Recruit (LC-1),
Apprentice Cadet (LC-2)
Able Cadet (LC-3)
Petty Officer Third Class (LC-4)
Petty Officer Second Class (LC-5)
Petty Officer First Class (LC-6)
Ship's Leading Petty Officer (LC-7).
The NLCC Training Syllabus is the source document for NLCC cadets. The syllabus contains activities and exams required for advancement. During the summer NLCC Orientation and NLCC Advanced Orientation is available for cadets to attend to augment the syllabus. Although this training is available it is NOT a requirement for advancement. The table indicates the rate structure for NLCC cadets LC-1 through LC-6. The unit commanding officer is the advancement authority for NLCC cadets through all rates.
NWU Uniform
This is our working uniform that will be worn to most drills. It is the same as the Sea Cadets except for some of the flashing (patches). See the Sea Cadet Uniform page on this website for more info.
Dress Uniform
Dress uniform is worn for special occasions. In the summer months, we wear the Dress Whites. In the winter months we wear Dress Blues (often called Johnny Cash for the League cadets since they are actually black). Current regulations prescribe for female cadets to wear the same cover (hat) as male cadets: the white Dixie Cup
Boots can usually be found at Academy, Army Surplus, or online
Before NLCC Cadets can attend an advanced training, they must first complete NLCC Orientation.
Summer & Winter Trainings are posted and updated on Homeport beginning in March and October:
Locating and Signing Up for Training:
Use the "Find Trainings" button on your Quarterdeck to discover available training, sorting by state or subject. Hit "Apply" to register your cadet and send a message to your Home Unit. Confirmation details and payment processes will be provided by the training team.
Must have passing PRT in last 6 months
Enrollment must be valid through the last training date.
All requests are subject to review.
Cadets with poor attendance or who are not working toward advancement may not be approved for advanced training